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2021-06-23 14:47   审核人:




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1. 国家教学成果奖二等奖,西部连片贫困地区中职师资顶岗置换研修模式的实践与创新,2018

2. 天津市教学成果奖一等奖,基于顶岗教育实习的UGS协同育人模式的探索与实践, 2018

3. 天津市技术发明奖二等奖,城市生活垃圾精分选关键技术与装备研发及产业化, 2018


1. 天津市应用基础与前沿研究计划 (自然科学基金):材料设计中的局部输出量的自适应计算机模拟 (05YFJMJC13300), 2005.10-2007.09, 主持人

2. 国家自然科学基金:计算力学的可信性及其量化模型研究 (10872146), 2009.01-2011.12, 主持人

3. 国家自然科学基金:基于Flux-Free上界估计的非线性力学有限元分析验证方法研究 (11172209), 2012.01-2015.12, 主持人

4. 国家自然科学基金:有限元分析非线性输出验证的熵代理模型及方法研究 (11772228), 2018.01-2021.12, 主持人


1. Li XS, Xuan ZC, An interior-point QP algorithm for structural optimization, Structural Optimization, 15: 172-179, 1998.

2. Xuan ZC, Shao PG, A programming approach for nonsmooth structural optimization, Advances in Engineering Software, 31: 75-81, 2000.

3. Xuan ZC, Lee KH, Interior point surrogate dual algorithm for unilateral problems, Acta Mechanica, 166: 149-167, 2003.

4. Xuan ZC, Lee KH, Patera AT, Peraire J, Computing upper and lower bounds for the J-integral in two-dimensional linear elasticity, Singapore-MIT Alliance Symposium, Singapore, Jan 19-20, 2004.

5. Xuan ZC, Lee KH, Surrogate duality based method for contact problems, Optimization and Engineering, 5: 59-75, 2004.

6. Lee KH, Xuan ZC, A posteriori output bounds for stress intensity factors in elastic fracture mechanics, International Journal of Fracture, 126: 123-142, 2004.

7. Xuan ZC, Khoo BC, Li ZR, Computing bounds to mixed mode stress intensity factors in elasticity, Archive of Applied Mechanics, 75: 193-205, 2006.

8. Xuan ZC, Parés N, Peraire J, Computing upper and lower bounds for the J-integral in two-dimensional linear elasticity, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 195: 430-443, 2006.

9. Xuan ZC, Feng ZS, Gao DY, Computing lower and upper bounds on stress intensity factors in bimaterials, International Journal of Nonlinear Mechanics, 42: 336-341, 2007.

10. Xuan ZC, Lassila T, Rozza J, Quarteroni A, On computing upper and lower bounds on the outputs of linear elasticity problems approximated by the smoothed finite element method, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 83: 174-195, 2010.

11. Alem YF, Xuan ZC, Preventing black hole attack in mobile Ad-hoc networks using anomaly detection, The 2010 International Conference on Future Computer and Communication (ICFCC), Wuhan, May 21-24, 2010.

12. Xuan ZC, Zhang XK, Guan M, The verification of the quantities of interest based on energy norm of solutions by node-based smoothed finite element method, Advances in Engineering Software, 71: 1-8, 2014.

13. Xuan ZC, Papadopoulos P, Li JY, Zhang LL, An entropy-based evaluation of contact forces in continuum mechanics of elastic structures, Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 114: 78-84, 2016.

14. Xuan ZC, Papadopoulos P, Computing an upper bound on contact stress with surrogate duality, Computational Mechanics, 58: 171-183, 2016.

15. Xuan ZC, The statistical property in finite element model of elastic contact problems, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 11189: 187-194, 2019.

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