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2022-10-12 08:31   审核人:





E-mail: shilianshuan@sina.com    


研究方向:智能计算;基于共享内存的并行 / 分布式计算;教育软件的研制与开发;


1. 1999年,获教育部科学技术进步奖(三等)

2. 2002年,获天津市“十五”立功先进个人称号

3. 2004年,获天津市优秀教师称号

4. 2012年,获天津市教委第三届优秀调研成果二等奖(第四)

5. 2013年,获校级教学成果一等奖(第一)

6. 2013年,获天津市教学成果二等奖(第二)

7. 2013年,获天津市教学成果一等奖(第五)

8. 2017.8,   天津市高等学校教学名师

9. 2019年,天津市级教学团队. 负责人


1. 教育部重点课题+中职学校虚拟实验课程系统的研制与开发

2. 基于Agent 的多目标遗传算法的研究. 天津市应用基础与前沿技术研究计划

3.掌上消防——消防安全科普手机app应用虚拟软件开发. 天津市科技计划项目


1. S.Chai, L.S.Shi, H.C,Sun. An application of relative difference quotient algorithm to topology optimization of truss structures with discrete variables. Structural Optimization, 1999,18(1),48-55 (SCI收录 228RX;EI收录EIP 99114891875)    

2. Shi Lianshuan, Sun Huanchun, Feng Enmin. A design method for Topological Optimization of Structures with discrete variables under dynamic stress and displacement constraints. Application mathematics and mechanics.2001, 22,781-787 (SCI收录 475BC; EI收录 EIP 2002066852753)

3.Shi Lianshuan, Chai Shan, Da Lin. A sequential delimitative and combinatorial algorithm for a class of integer programming.来源出版物: PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED COMPUTING, APPLICATIONS AND TECHNOLOGIES, PDCAT'2003, PROCEEDINGS  页:801-804 (EI收录EI 2004158108169    

4.Shi Lianshuan, Wang Yuefang, Sun Huanchun. Application of Relative Difference Quotient Algorithm to Layout Optimization with Discrete Variables under Dynamic and Stability Constraints. COMPUTATIONAL MECHANICSWCCM VI in conjunction with APCOM’04, Sept. 5-10, 2004    

5. Shi Lianshuan, Fu Heng. A delimitative and combinatorial algorithm for discrete optimum design with different discrete sets. COMPUTATIONAL AND INFORMATION SCIENCE, PROCEEDINGS: Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3314. Pp.443-448. (SCI收录 BBO38;EI 8425938)  

6. L.S. Shi, Q.G. Meng, Z.C. Xuan. A Bound Method for a class of Nonlinear Discrete Optimum Design. Modeling, Control and Applications. DCDIS series B: Application and Algorithms。2005. pp.547-550. ((SCI收录 962FQ)    

7.  Shi Lian-shuan, Sun Huan-chun, Wang yuefang. Algorithm for the Layout Optimization of Truss Structure with Discrete Variables under Dynamic Stress, Displacement and Stability Constraints. Application Mathematics and Mechanics.2006, 27(5): 781-787 (SCI收录044IL, EI 收录20062910014049)    

8. Lianshuan Shi, Enmin Feng, Huanchun Sun, Zhaosheng Feng. A two-step Algorithm for Layout Optimization of Structures with Discrete Variables. JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL AND MANAGEMENT OPTIMIZATION. 2007,3(3), August 2007, pp. 543–552(SCI收录:209UV)

9. Shi Lianshuan, Yuan Liang, Li Zengyan, and Dai Yi. The Solving of Multi-Objective Network Designing Problem Based on Genetic Algorithm. 2009 First International Workshop on Education Technology and Computer Science (ETCS 2009). 2009, 442-446(EI收录 20093612290671)    

10.Shi Lianshuan, Li Zengyan. An Improved Pareto Genetic Algorithm for Multi-Objective TSP. The 5th International Conference on Natural Computation (ICNC'09). 2009,585-589 (EI收录 20101512839705)    

11.Lian-Shuan Shi Yin-Mei Chen. The Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm based on Layered Target. The 4th International Conference on Intelligent Networks and Intelligent Systems (ICINIS 2011) ,pp. 85-88 (EI 20120314692729)

12.Yun Liu,Lian-suan Shi, Yun-jia Wang, Li-zong Li, Chun-yan Qi。 Partial Instance Technology based on Level of Detail. 2011 4th International Conference on Intelligent Networks and Intelligent Systems. pp. 177-180 (EI 20120314692752)

13.Lian-Shuan Shi,Yin-Mei Chen. A Layered Approach Based on Objectives to Multi-Objective Optimization. International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems, Vol.5, No.1, 2012,pp11-19

14.Shi LianShuan, Wang HuaHui. A Multi-Agent Self-Adaptive Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm. International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems. p7-13. Vol.8    

15. Shi, Lianshuan,Wang, Huahui. A multi-objective genetic algorithm based on individual density distance. Communications in Computer and Information Science, v728, p433-441,2017.    (EI 20174004226619)    

16.Lianshuan Shi, Li Jia. A Multi-objective Network-Related Genetic Algorithm Based on the Objective Classification Sorting Method. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, v 690, p 277-282, 2018.(EI20174704440324)

17.Lianshuan, Shi; YinMei, Chen. An Application of Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm Based on Crossover Limited. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Volume: 686, pp 677-683, 2018.(EI 20174604400020)    

18.Shi Lianshuan, Hou Wenren. An Application of Agent-based Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm. Proceedings of 2018 IEEE International Conference of Safety Produce Informatization, IICSPI 2018. April12,2019.2019,Pages:733-736                                                                                                                (EI: 20191906868942)    


1. 孙焕纯, 柴山, 王跃方, 石连栓. 离散变量结构优化设计[M]. 大连:大连理工大学出版社, 2002

2. 石连栓,张涛,李立宗. Visual Basic 程序设计.清华大学出版社, 2004-5-1(ISBN:7302083924)

3. 石连栓,张涛,李立宗. Visual Basic 程序设计实训教材.清华大学出版社, 2005-4-1(ISBN:7302099227)

4. 石连栓,殷虹,李娜,孙英. 数据结构.中国劳动社会保障出版社。 2006-05-30(ISBN:7-5045-5468-5)


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